Freestyle Combat Academy is based in Bexhill on sea and teaches Kickboxing, White Collar Boxing, Brazilian Jui Jitsu and Combat Kids Classes.
The Clubs prides itself on its fun and friendly environment but hard training.
Freestyle Combat Academy run classes 7 days a week in a fun and friendly purpose bult martial arts gym
Freestyle Combat Academy runs classes for the residents of Sidley
Freestyle Combat Academy is a Member of the NOVO BJJ team headed by Prof Alex Salisbury
"Best Around"
joe bloggs
The style of kickboxing taught at FCA utilizes the standard techniques of kickboxing but also combines low kicks, knees and elbows commonly found in Thai Boxing. This allows students to compete in various styles of competition are they so wish.
Self Defence also plays a big part at FCA, with students being able to train in a Reality based Self Defence program.
Elements include Awareness, Avoidance and Escape, Verbal De-escalation and Dissuasion Skills. Posturing, Pre-emptive striking and
Units 8 & 9 Phoneix Works
Rear of 93 Windsor Road
Bexhill On Sea
East Sussex
Telephone: 07792758970